• Hopkinton PTA Carnival    
  • The Waltham Lions Club Carnival returns!  Admission: $3.00, children 6 and under are free to enter. Wristbands are not required to enter the carnival. Individual ride credits can be purchased on-site. Please read the description below for event dates and times.
  • The carnival is coming to Lynn! August 7 -11, 2024 Weather Update: The carnival will be closed today, Friday, August 9 due to the weather. Wristbands are not required to enter the carnival. Individual ride credits can be purchased on-site. Gate fee: $3 Admission Fee per person, Children 6 or under are free. PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTIONS IN THE YELLOW BOXES (scroll down) OF WHAT YOU ARE PURCHASING BEFORE YOU COMPLETE YOUR TRANSACTION.
  • The carnival is coming to Framingham!  Wristbands are not required to enter the carnival. Individual ride credits can be purchased on-site. Please read the description below for event dates and times.
  • The Acton Lions Club Carnival returns!  Wristbands are not required to enter the carnival. Individual ride credits can be purchased on-site. The ticket prices below are for unlimited rides only. Please read the description below for event dates and times.
  • The carnival is coming to Clown Town in Andover
  • The Lowell carnival returns!  Wristbands are not required to enter the carnival. Individual ride credits can be purchased on-site. Please READ the difference between the wristband and the megapass which is listed below. Certain wristbands are only valid on certain days.  
  • The carnival is coming to New Bedford! Admission: $3.00, children 6 and under free. Wristbands are not required to enter the carnival. Please see dates and times below for unlimited ride wristbands.
  • August 30 -  September 2, 2024 Purchase all day wristbands or limited time wristbands in advance and save. Not interested in wristbands? Individual ride credits will be available on-site. Looking for the Megapass that includes admission and unlimited rides? Visit Woodstock Fair's website. Friday Wristband: Valid Friday, August 30 from 12pm to 5pm or 5pm to close. $30 online or $35 on-site at the fair. Does not include fair admission. *Wristbands nor Megapass are valid on Bumper Cars, Mechanical Bull, Rock Wall or Bungee Jump. Redeem Wristbands: Once inside the gate look for the "WRISTBAND REDEMPTION" sign near the midway. ALL CUSTOMERS MUST BE PRESENT AT THE TIME OF REDEMPTION. EVENT STAFF MUST PLACE WRISTBANDS ON THE CUSTOMERS.
  • Currently Unavailable
    Join us September 7-10 at the Wapping Fair, John J. Mitchell Fairgrounds, 75 Brookfield Street, South Windsor, CT 06074. Fair information: WappingFair.org Megapass available for use includes admission and unlimited ride wristband valid on the date of your choice. Please read the description below for event dates and times.
  • Sale!
    Fiesta Shows is coming to the Clinton Lions Fair! September 5-8, 2024. The following pricing is for unlimited ride wristbands only. Fair admission is separate and available on-site at the fair. If you are not interested in unlimited ride wristbands, individual ride credits will be available on-site.
  • Currently Unavailable
    The carnival is coming to Chelsea! Wristbands are not required to enter the carnival. Individual ride credits can be purchased on-site. Please read the description below for event dates and times.